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Dr Mark de Souza
57 Bridge Road
Nowra NSW 2541
Phone: 44233888
Fax: 44217754

'if you wish to communicate with the practice via email, please do so only for non-urgent matters. Please note that email correspondence is not to be used for any urgent matters. Email letters are addressed as a matter of low priority, after direct face-to-face, phone call and electronic interactions are completed. If you believe your enquiry is more urgent, please telephone the office staff directly and leave a message with them. If your child has a complicated matter, then we ask that you address this through direct appointment. We will respond to any messages within a reasonable timeframe'


SKYPE - thehealthychild
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Useful Internet Sites

The following internet sites may be useful for health information. Please note, that I am not likely to have examined all the information you gather from these sites and may therefore not support all that you read. Please discuss any concerns you may have with myself or your local doctor before you act on any information you receive. Similar precautions should be taken for information received from other sources including the media. - USA - AUS

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The following web pages assist 'independent' web surfers looking for medical information by placing a tick / seal mark of approval that appears on a health web sites home page.





Site Designed by
Pat O'Keeffe